
Advocates: the anti-mercury family 


Suzi Abrera, celebrity mom

A precious advocate, Suzi appeared in several public service announcements for HCWH-AP.  She is often seen on TV spreading information about her work with the HCWH-AP. 


Kabunyan De Guia, artist

Kabunyan is a member of the VOCAS art space, and one of the artists who supported HCWH-AP’s mercury phase-out campaign in Baguio City.


Kontra GaPi (Kontemporaryong Gamelan Pilipino)

The group joined our anti-mercury campaign when they performed in the 2011 Asia Regional Conference on Mercury in Health Care.


Albert Martinez, actor/dad 

HCWH-AP’s second celebrity, and a frequent presence in our activities. Albert frequently speaks out about the dangers of mercury during public gatherings. 

He first appeared in PSAs on mercury, the World Environment Day and the medical waste campaign.


Judah Paolo

Our first celebrity endorser. Judah joined our ranks during the AO 21 launch in 2008. He always lends support to our campaigns, and appeared in our PSAs about mercury and medical waste.  


Papa Dudut, Disc Jockey, DWLS FM 

Papa Dudut first stood with us in 2011. He appeared in the advertisement that featured artists uniting for the phasing-out of mercury in healthcare. He has since become a regular supporter for all HCWH’s campaigns.


Shaun Rodriguez, Survivor Philippines contender

Shaun joined the campaign in 2010, and appeared in the advertisement artists unite for mercury phase-out in health care.  


Yul Servo, Manila councilor and actor 

He appeared in the advertisement artists unite for mercury phase-out in health care.  He has pledged to author ordinances on mercury phase-out.


Gene Testa, tattoo artist 

One of the country’s most popular tattoo artist. He is part of our mercury campaign, and a constant supporter of HCWH-AP’s efforts. 


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