Health Care Without Harm-Asia's Global Green and Healthy Hospitals is pleased to host its first ever webinar in Bahasa Indonesia.
Be part of a global network of hospitals and health systems working towards environmental sustainability. Learn about how you can transform your hospital to become more environment friendly. Health Care Without Harm-Asia’s Global Green and Healthy Hospitals, BaliFokus Indonesia, and the Health Promoting Hospital Network of Indonesia invite you to join our webinar on “Greening the Health Care Sector.” The webinar will be in both English and Bahasa Indonesia.
Seminar Online!
Health Care Without Harm-Asia’s Global Green and Healthy Hospitals dan Jejaring Rumah Sakit Yang mempromosikan Kesehatan di Indonesia (HPH Indonesia) Mengundang anda untuk mengikuti webinar (seminar online) kami yang akan membahas tentang penghijauan senitor layanan kesehatan.
Jadilah bagian dari jejaring Global rumah Sakit dan Sistem Kesehatan yang bergerak menuju lingkungan yang berkemampuan untuk berfungsi secara berkelanjutan. Pelajari mengenai bagaimana anda dapat mengubah RS anda agar lebih ramah lingkungan.
28 April 2016 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM (Indonesia Time)
Topics / Topik:
1) Introduction to the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals Pengenalan terhadap the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH)
2) Introduction to the Health Promoting Hospitals Network of Indonesia Pengenalan terhadap Jejaring Rumah Sakit Yang mempromosikan Kesehatan di Indonesia (HPH Indonesia)
3) GGHH Goals: Sustainable Medical Waste Management and Safer Chemicals
Faye Ferrer, Health Care Without Harm-Asia
Yuyun Ismawati, Balifokus Indonesia
Dr. Suherman, Health Promoting Hospitals Network of Indonesia
Dr. Mochamad Syafak Hanung, SP.A., Sardjito Hospital
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Southeast Asia