(L-R) HCWH-Asia Director Ramon San Pascual, Deputy Director Joyce Lanuza, BoT Vice-Chair Dr. Michelle Sunico, Chair Ronnel Lim, Board Secretary Armand Mejia, and Senior Officer Faye Ferrer.
In line with further strengthening and empowering its Board of Trustees (BoT), Health Care Without Harm-Asia has elected its new Chairperson. Ronnel Lim, former BoT Treasurer and HCWH-Asia’s representative in the regional Advisory Council, has been elected as the new BoT Chair.
Aside from Lim, other members of the BoT have been assigned new roles: Dr. Michelle Sunico as Vice-Chair, Dr. Gina Nazareth as Treasurer, and Atty. Armand Mejia as Board Secretary.
Beginning this year, HCWH-Asia’s BoT will play a more dynamic role in the organization, from overseeing plans and programs to taking up a more active role in the utilization of resources. “An even more proactive Board of Trustees reinforces HCWH-Asia’s resolve to solidify our work in the region. This is just the first step as we continue to enlarge our health sector membership and grow our resources so that we can fortify our engagement in greening hospitals and in health sector advocacy to combat climate change”, expressed HCWH-Asia Director Ramon San Pascual.
“We express our gratitude to Mr. Lim and the members of our BoT for accepting this more exciting and challenging role. We hope that this will further deepen the regional office’s credibility as we expand the work that we do.”
Aside from the reorganization of the BoT, HCWH-Asia also formed its own regional Advisory Council last year to initiate more vibrant collaborations with strategic partners across the region.
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Southeast Asia