The world is racing towards zero emissions by 2050 to stop global warming from exceeding the 1.5oC threshold after which climate impacts will multiply to catastrophic levels. It is essential that all sectors of the economy are transformed into a resilient, sustainable and low carbon society, including the healthcare sector. Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) has come up with the first-ever Road Map to decarbonize and build the resilience of the healthcare sector because it recognizes that the climate crisis is a global health emergency, of far greater magnitude than even Covid-19.
The health care sector in South-east Asia has been brought to the brink by Covid-19 and the health equity of our countries has been seriously compromised. The health care sector is just as vulnerable to direct climate hazards like floods, storms, typhoons, droughts and heat waves as well as to indirect impacts like shortages in food, water and other essential supplies and services. Yet, this is one sector that cannot afford to collapse under any circumstances.
HCWH’s Global Road Map for Health Care Decarbonization identifies seven high impact actions over three pathways for health care facilities, the supply chain and the wider economy up to 2050 and beyond. These actions will both build resilience and reduce greenhouse gas emissions as well as strengthen health equity. The most viable way forward for vulnerable countries in SEA are such prevention and preparedness measures, starting now from very doable and affordable immediate actions to more ambitious ones over time.
- Introduce HCWH's Global Road Map for Health Care Decarbonization and discuss how it can transform the health care sector and society in SEA through sustainable, resilient, low carbon pathways
- Map out and showcase the sustainable practices of health facilities and the climate leadership of health professionals in Southeast Asia;
- Feature key health ministry officials, policymakers, hospital directors and medical associations, amplify the health and climate voices in the region supporting the Roadmap’s aim towards low-carbon and climate-resilient healthcare; and
- Reach the broad sector of health and climate advocates in Southeast Asia to help mainstream healthcare resilience.
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Southeast Asia