Healthy Energy Initiative to Hold Forum on Health Impacts of Energy from Coal


Quezon City, Philippines -- Early this year, the “ash spill” from San Miguel and Petron coal plants in Limay, Bataan, which affected the health of adjacent communities made it in the national news.  The Department of Environment and Natural Resources has since issued a show cause order on both San Miguel and Petron plants, on why they should not be closed down.  The Department of Health on the other hand also assisted in conducting a preliminary fact-finding health investigation in the area.  Results of both Departments’ initiatives have yet to be publicly disclosed.

More than a month later, residents from affected communities still complain about the continuing operations of the San Miguel coal plant, the unbearable stink it brings, its dust emissions, as well as their overall health effects.  

On March 10 at Cocoon Boutique Hotel in Quezon City, Health Care Without Harm Asia’s Healthy Energy Initiative will hold a forum on the Health Impacts of Energy from Coal to find out from a panel of experts how coal as a fuel source takes priority over other sources of energy in the Philippines, how its potential health impacts from proposal phase to operational phase are being monitored and addressed, what regulatory bodies are bound to do in cases of infractions, how communities can protect their environment and health, and how health professionals can support pollution affected communities.

The forum will be participated in by representatives from the energy sector, civil society organizations, health professional, and residents of coal-hosting communities. HCWH Asia hopes that the event will help link medical and health professionals with communities to further investigate and address coal’s impacts on people’s health.

For inquiries, e-mail Ann Lustresano at

Event Details


Southeast Asia