Watsons, OMRON, HCWH-SEA leading mercury phase-out

Cautions non mercury-free hospitals

Manila — “I want mercury-free health care Philippines by 2010.”

This was the call raised by envi-health group Health Care Without Harm-Southeast Asia, mercury alternatives distributor OMRON Healthcare and health and beauty retail chain Watsons Personal Care Stores (Phils.), Inc. as they launched partnership to rid Philippine health care of mercury-containing devices.

“This month is the deadline for mercury phase-out in all Philippine health care facilities and institutions as mandated by DoH-Administrative Order 21,” said Faye Ferrer, HCWH-SEA Program Officer for Mercury in Health Care. “We do not want this month to pass by without reminding people most especially health care professionals and institutions that now is the time to switch to alternatives. We want everyone to know the dangers of mercury and mercury poisoning. Further, we want to show that there are alternatives available.”

“We also would like to remind all health care facilities that the PhilHealth will no longer accredit facilities that are not mercury-free as mandated by their revised bench book,” Ferrer added. 

The group will be donating mercury thermometers to 300 selected hospitals to assist them in the phase-out. For every celebrity supporter who will join the Caravan to launch the Mercury-Free Philippines by 2010 campaign, additional mercury-free thermometers will be donated. The campaign has gathered the support of actor Albert Martinez, VJ Judah Paolo, Survivor Philippines Shaun Rodriguez and DJ Papa Dudut. 

“In a random phone call conducted by HCWH-SEA, several big retail drug stores in the country claim that they are phasing-out mercury-containing devices (1),” said Ferrer. “It is either they received AO 21 or heard about HCWH-SEA’s campaign.” 

“We would like to give credit to Watsons who have taken the first step among all the drugstores in the country,” pointed out Ferrer. Watsons has bid mercury-containing equipment such as thermometers and blood pressure monitors goodbye in its 183 stores (soon to be 187 by end of the month) around the country.

“We at Watsons are enjoining other retail drug stores. We are in this business not just for profit but to be of service to the people. Removing toxic substances from our counter is the very first step in doing no harm—a vow which doctors have taken but to my opinion drug stores must take too,” said Lyle Joseph Morrell, Watsons Health Business Unit Director. 

Watsons in coordination with HCWH-SEA hopes to bring the campaign to other Asian countries thru their other outlets in the near future. “We do not want this partnership to stop here in the Philippines. Having seen the dangers of mercury, we do not want to have anything to do with the spread of this toxic substance,” added Robert U. Sun, Chief Operating Officer of Watsons. 

Watsons is the number 1 Pharmacy/Drug store Brand in Asia for 2009 and 2010. 

Majority of medical devices distributors are switching to mercury alternatives too.

“Omron Health Care never distributed mercury devices from the very beginning,” said Omron Brand Marketing Manager Julie Lee. “But we still encourage those who still have mercury devices in their stock to shun from selling these. It is our responsibility to sell only quality, safe products.”

Most distributors of mercury devices are the same distributors of mercury alternatives. “This is a win-win game for both the buying public and the business sector,” said Ferrer. “We still however believe that a ban on importation of mercury devices will put an end to mercury use.”

(1) Among these drugstores are South Star Drug, Rose Pharmacy and St. John Pharmacy. 


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