We have organized virtual activities for you this coming World Environment Day - June 5, 2020. Join these online gatherings to learn more about Southeast Asia's aspirations for a climate-resilient healthcare with an aim to prevent future pandemics, and delve into the story of plastic pollution and what zero waste advocates are doing all over the world.
Future-proofing Healthcare through Climate Action || 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM (GMT +8) | REGISTER HERE: bit.ly/WorldEnviDay2020_webinar | Via WebEx
Professor Mario Pinto - Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research), Griffith University Australia
Dr. Renzo Guinto - Chief Planetary Doctor of PH Lab, Doctor of Public Health graduate of Harvard University
Mrs. Nguyen Thi Lien Huong, M.D., Ph.D - General Director, Health Environment Management Agency - Ministry of Health, Vietnam
Nurse Teoh BeeLing - Sustainability Coordinator, HPH International Network
Frank Rammelo - Resilient Health Infrastructure Expert
The Story of Plastic Virtual Screening & Panel Discussion || 3:00 - 5:30 PM (GMT +8) | REGISTER HERE: bit.ly/StoryOfPlastic_screening | Via WebEx
Stiv Wilson - Creator of The Story of Plastic
Froilan Grate - Asia Pacific Coordinator, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives
Denzel Leonard Seño - Outgoing President, Asian Medical Students Association UERM
Dr. Suherman - Health Promoting Hospitals (HPH) Indonesia Network
Paeng Lopez - Plastics in Healthcare Campaigner, HCWH Southeast Asia

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Southeast Asia