Kemi Projects



Creating Pilot Hospitals for Mercury Substitution in Indonesia and Hazardous Chemical Substitution in the Philippines 


To further intensify its campaign against the use of mercury in healthcare settings, Health Care Without Harm – Southeast Asia (HCWH-SEA) once again partnered with KemI. KemI is a Swedish governmental authority working to control the use of chemicals, and prevent its spread into the environment.


The new project was dubbed Creating Pilot Hospitals for Mercury Substitution in Indonesia and Hazardous Chemical Substitution in the Philippines. The activity was a two-part project that expanded work in the mercury phase-out arena. 


HCWH-SEA and KemI have a history of successfully implementing mercury substitution campaigns. In 2010, KemI supported the group in its campaign for mercury substitution in Philippine pilot hospitals. In 2011, an Asia Regional conference on mercury highlighted the success of that pilot campaign. The conference also attracted support for piloting in more hospitals in Denpasar City in Bali, Indonesia.


The latest project, Creating Pilot Hospitals for Mercury Substitution in Indonesia and Hazardous Chemical Substitution in the Philippines, continues the groundwork laid in HCWH-SEA’s previous KemI projects.