- Pasay City, Metro Manila

Among the 1st hospitals to veer from mercury devices as early as 2007, Manila Adventist Medical Center was moved to take action away from mercury by Sabina L. Farinas, MAMC Quality Assurance Coordinator, and by Health Care Without Harm seminar. Even before AO 21, the hospital already had initiatives to choose mercury-free alternatives.

When AO 21 came, the Administrative committee discussed their compliance and gave a directive to the QA Coordinator to disseminate information to the different nursing units.

They then acquired budget quotations from suppliers of mercury alternatives and proceeded with the total phase-out.

Reasons for the phase-out? Pccupational safety, patient safety and concern to the environment.

“The love of nature and the desire to save mother earth, as well as the safety of our workers and of our patients, should be the goal of our hospitals.”

To date, MAMC is also into waste segregation, recycling and composting, veering away from harmful chemicals and choosing safer alternatives and healthy food.

In 5 years, MAMC aims not just to be mercury-free but a hospital with greener surroundings, adhering to proper waste segregation, clean and with healthy and happy patients and workers. It aims to be a leading health care provider in the country.