1st HEALTHY ENERGY INITIATIVE ASIA MEETING | Asia Uniting for Climate & Health

Climate Change is the abnormal accumulation of greenhouse gases in the earth's atmosphere causing high temperatures thus an imbalance in the planet's climate and the public's health. And for several years, despite its fast-growing economy, Asia became a hotbed of fossil fuel production especially coal. 

The region's rich natural resources and vibrant population attracted investors from all over the world and while it produced varied economic benefits, it put the region's climate, environment and health in jeopardy.

Hence, climate and health leaders and networks from the Philippines, Indonesia, South Korea, China, India and Vietnam came together in Seoul, South Korea last November 27 - 28, 2017 to strengthen commitments in fighting dirty energy sources, urge governments to transition to renewable energy and lead the health care sector in the global climate action. 

As what Dr. Ha, the hospital administrator from Seoul National University mentioned "At the end of the day, climate change, energy choices and its health impacts on the general public is huge." 



Dr. Dong-Chun Shin, professor at the Yonsei University College of Medicine in Seoul and member of HCWH Asia Advisory Council together with Ramon San Pascual, Executive Director of HCWH Asia














Duties, engagements and next steps have been drafted during the regional meeting and our health care leaders and partners are indeed resolute in bringing the sector at the center of the global climate narrative that will usher in a green and healthy planet for the people.



For more info about Asia's Healthy Energy Initiative and its campaigns, please contact us here