


Don’t let the future go to waste. Email to join the chorus of voices calling for change. 


“I deliver good news.  Incineration is bad news.” 

Suzi Abrera, celeb mom


“I design beauty.  Incineration is ugly.”

Joel Acebuche, fashion designer


“The sculptor with his resources takes an idea and gives it aesthetic form.  Incinerators transform latent resources into toxic ash—this is a bad idea.” 

Salvador Joel Alonday, sculptor


“Incineration is global warming.  Incineration sucks.” 

Say Alonzo, actress


“When it comes to protecting the environment, incinerators hit all the wrong notes.” 

 Bad days for Mary, indie-pop band


“Incineration wastes resources.  Proper health care waste management is the only solution.”

Dr. Manuel Chua Chiaco, Medical Director, Philippine Heart Center


“We work to achieve a toxic-free world.  Incineration destroys our future.” 

Gigie Cruz, Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA)


“We serve the people.  Incineration is greed.”

Risa Hontiveros, public servant


“We protect patients.  Incineration exposes us to injury to the lungs. Incineration poisons love.”

Dr. Encarnita Limpin, Executive Director, Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Alliance)


“I only want the best for my family. Incineration is harmful.”

Albert Martinez, actor/dad


“The Hippocratic Oath says, first do no harm. Incineration does harm.”

Dr. Gina Nazareth, Philippine College of Physician


“Medical waste incineration pollutes communities.  Incineration pollutes the environment.  Incineration has no place in this world.”

Judah Paolo, model


“I entertain people. Incineration destroys any form of entertainment.” 

Papa Dudut, WLS FM DJ


“I make people happy and jolly. Incineration makes us sick. It’s the biggest loser.”

Bern Josep Persia, actor/YouTube sensation


“God recycles. The devil burns.” 

Fr. Robert Reyes, running priest


“I love to play outdoor but with polluted air and water, I can’t.  Incineration

destroys my playground.”

Buwan Lila Sayajon, child volunteer


“I’m a filmmaker.  I capture the greens which our forefathers in Ifugao know so well.  Incinerators deaden the greens.”

Kidlat Tahimik, filmmaker


“I make permanent tattoos. The effect of incineration is permanent.”

Gene Testa, Tattoo artist


“I play fair. Incineration is unfair.”

Chiqui Tronco, runner & cyclist