Be part of this Healthcare Climate Action Movement in Southeast Asia

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Click here for the Mandarin Chinese translation


The story that has gripped the countries of Southeast Asia in the last decade is a story of climate disasters, economic and social struggles, and now a formidable pandemic. In spite of that, the journey of this region is also about standing up, courageously facing adversity, and uniting to build better — this is where “RISE” comes from. RISE signifies responsiveness, resilience and recovery. It also means facing the problem and mobilizing people and institutions towards the right solutions.

In this crucial moment in history, RISE Alliance aims to strengthen and mobilize healthcare leadership on climate action and healthy, equitable recovery for Southeast Asia



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Become a RISE Southeast Asia Alliance Partner

Check out our Manifesto on how to #ReclaimOurHealth and a Healthy Climate in South-East Asia and beyond!

RISE Southeast Asia aims to set up country chapters in the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, and South Korea. Partners of this network should ideally be healthcare practitioners, policymakers, ministers or working on health in SEA and ready to come on board as partners to advance the vision and mission of RISE Southeast Asia. Partners would be reasonably expected to engage as follows:

1. Participate in RISE chapter meetings and annual regional assembly as far as possible as well as in any of the following activities:

2. Co-organize, lead or participate in specific RISE activities as suited to your expertise e.g. engage in a working group on climate and health protocols/policies; conduct research; develop resilience frameworks or education modules; join/host a campaign on climate and health or a healthy recovery from pandemics; organize workshops; etc.

3. Be a resource person for various health & climate initiatives (as a speaker, trainer, organizer, advocate, researcher, etc.). Share your resources and contribute to the resource pool on health and climate information/ tools/ etc. Be a “Healthcare Climate Champion” and advocate for the transformation of health systems and society towards becoming resilient, decarbonized, and equitable. Be the voice of healthcare in climate platforms and the voice of climate action in healthcare platforms.

4. Lead your own and other healthcare institutions in reducing carbon and toxic emissions, building resilience and becoming a leading model of sustainability. Upscale this through exchanges, capacity building, etc.

5. Bring in other healthcare leaders and relevant health & climate stakeholders to grow the alliance and its impact. Strengthen and synergize actions in focus and interconnected areas of public and planetary health.


What your RISE Southeast Asia membership can offer you? The opportunity to be a part of a critical and progressive healthcare movement taking leadership to forge a future with healthy hospitals and healthy people living on a healthy planet.


For more questions, clarifications you may send an email or an expression of interest to: or visit

RISE Southeast Asia is an initiative of Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) Southeast Asia