BOARD OF TRUSTEES | 1st Meeting for 2018


(upper row left to right: Pats Oliva - Communications Campaigner, Kris Evangelista - Admin Support, Paeng Lopez - Healthy Energy Initiative Campaigner, Atty. Armand Mejia - Board Secretary, Ronnel Lim - Chairman of the Board, Mon San Pascual - Executive Director, Von Hernandez - Global Coordinator for the Break Free From Plastic movement / lower row left to right: Moresa Reyes - GGHH Sustainability Officer, Faye Ferrer - GGHH Asia Coordinator, Dr. Esperanza Cabral - Former Health Secretary and Joyce Lanuza - Deputy Director)


The HCWH Asia Staff and its Board of Trustees met last April 10, 2018 for the First BOT meeting of the year. Updates on the organization's plans and deliverables were shared as well as a quick look of the 2017 accomplishments. 

The Board gave their advices and recommendations to Program staff respectively that it may further the work especially in the advent of the organization's Health and Climate work.