Environmental Health News: Denpasar pioneers mercury and medical waste management

13 June 2011, The Jakarta Post
By Wasti Atmodjo
Excerpt from the article:

Denpasar, Indonesia - An official says Denpasar’s hospitals are now ready to implement better mercury and medical waste management systems following the signing of a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the hospitals and Bali Focus, an NGO concerned with waste management.

“We are ready to work side by side to decrease not only the usage of medicines containing mercury but also to implement better waste management systems that in the end could save the lives of many people,” said AA Bagus Sudharsana, head of the Denpasar Environment Agency.

Denpasar has been appointed by the central government, along with Yogyakarta, Medan, Makassar and Jakarta, to organize a pilot project on mercury and waste management.