Environmental Health News: QC dad: Ban medical services containing mercury

30 November 2010, People's Journal (Philippines)
By Cory Martinez
Excerpt from the article:

A councilor has asked the Quezon City government to ban or prohibit the use of medical services containing mercury in all hospitals and health care facilities.

In a proposed ordinance, 1st District Councilor Dorothy Delarmente said pursuant to the order issued by the Department of Health in 2008, all devices containing mercury, which include mercury thermometer and mercury sphygmomanometers should be banned or prohibited.

Delarmente, a medical doctor, said it is a declared policy of the state to promote the preservation, protection and revival of our ecosystem through the prevention, control and abatement of any pollutants in the environment.

The lady councilor explained that mercury is considered as pollutant that poses an alarming risk as it bio-accumulated in food chain particularly in animal tissues.

“When released to the atmosphere from various sources, some mercury ends in swamps, lakes and streams. Mercury may accumulate in fish to levels that would be toxic if eaten over a long period by humans or by wildlife,” Delarmente explained.

She added that mercury could be fatal if inhaled and is dangerous if absorbed through the skin.

“Mercury is harmful to the nervous, respiratory and immune systems. Exposure to mercury can also cause paralysis, tremors, impaired vision and hearing and insomnia among others,” the councilor added.
Survey showed that 700 hospitals all over the country have so far conformed with the DOH order for the gradual phase out of all medical devices containing mercury, Delarmente said.