Fast Facts

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On average, chemical and radioactive waste comprise 5% of healthcare facilities’ total waste.


Medical waste includes the waste generated by healthcare and research facilities, and those produced via medical procedures done at home. 


Healthcare facilities produce toxic substances. Improper management of waste can cause a variety of environment and health hazards.


Poor medical waste management practices: Non-waste segregation; unsafe waste handling; dumping untreated waste.


Poor medical waste management practices: Preferential procurement of toxic products; extensive use of disposable materials.


A poor medical waste management practice: Inadequate procedure for clean up and containment of spills. 


A poor medical waste management practices: Weak inventory control and inappropriate classification of hazardous wastes.


Good medical waste management practices: Pollution prevention; waste minimization; correct classification & segregation.


Good medical waste management practices: Proper containing & color-coding; safe handling and collection of waste.


Good medical waste management practices: Labeling & signage; proper storage; transportation & final disposal.


15% of health care waste is infectious.