Filipino Pulmonary Doctors Demand Clean Healthy Air


Poor Air Quality over Metro Manila (Photo by Jay Directo/AFP)

By virtue of Proclamation No. 1761 s. 1978, August is National Lung Month in the Philippines, and the Health Care for Cleaner Air Alliance led by Health Care Without Harm SE Asia is partnering with the Philippine College of Chest Physicians (PCCP) this year in tackling air pollution and how the health care sector can lead in beating it.



As part of the bigger movement against air pollution, we would like to seek your help in continually advocating for clean, healthy air and various preventive measures online and offline.


  1. Re-share or post about this year's National Lung Month in your own social media platforms and even to your friends, family members and colleagues
  2. Support this online petition for Healthy Air and Improved Air Quality Monitoring in the Philippines
  3. Invite us and PCCP to a small group discussion or a forum that you would like to organize in your hospital, office or school on air pollution and how we can all work together to address it
  4. Conduct a community immersion with us in a coal community like Bataan, to see the direct impacts of dirty energy on human health
  5. Or at the minimum, decide what you can do as an individual or as an organization to beat air pollution - post a photo with your caption on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter then tag @HCWHAsia and @philchestorg and use #HealthyAirNow and #PUSHMoLungs

There is no other time to talk about ways in tackling and beating this global menace on human and planetary health, but NOW.

Don't miss the conversations online, use the hashtag #HealthyAirNow and #PUSHMoLungs


Learn more about how hospitals can help: