GGHH SE ASIA WEBINAR | (Series) Sustainable Procurement in Health towards Low Carbon and Resilient Supply Chains



According to the Healthcare Carbon Footprint Report by Arup and HCWH, 71% of health care’s emission comes from the supply chain. This shows that the production and use of health care products have significant impacts to human and planetary health. Some products may contain or release carcinogens, reproductive toxins, or other hazardous materials, exposing patients, staff, and the community to harm. Products and packaging are thrown away after use, generating vast amounts of solid and hazardous wastes. Sustainable procurement seeks alternatives that can reduce supply chain impacts and transition to a circular economy that generates economic and business opportunities. HCWH recently released the Sustainable Procurement in Health Care Guide to help the health systems understand the impact goals of sustainable procurement and the benefits and business case for buying sustainable goods and services.

The Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH) network, a community of hospitals, health care facilities, health systems, and health organizations, is dedicated to reducing the ecological footprint of the health sector and promoting greater sustainability and environmental health, thereby transforming and strengthening the health systems globally.

GGHH network promotes public and environmental health, and in this 3rd webinar series, we will tackle how sustainable food systems can add and help strengthen resilience in healthcare as we emerge from the impacts of the pandemic and tackle climate change.

Specifically, this webinar aims to:

  1. Introduce Sustainable Procurement in Health Care Guide;

  2. Discuss how it can help in the implementation of sustainable procurement initiatives in the hospitals/health care facilities;

  3. Feature stories and insights from hospital institutions pursuing sustainable procurement.

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