HCWH-Asia supports Tzu Chi Foundation's Ethical Eating Day

On January 11, 2020 Health Care Climate Challenge pledgee Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation will observe Global Ethical Eating Day to promote vegetarianism, advocating a healthier lifestyle while helping preserve the environment.

Globally, 56 billion animals are raised and killed every year for mankind's food consumption. A large percentage of human-caused greenhouse gases come from the meat industry. From cutting trees to make land for raising livestock, to producing large amounts of waste and methane gas which is 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide, human beings' meat consumption is doing great damage  to the environment.   Taiwan's Tzu Chi Foundation, in partnership with Health Care Foundation Nepal (HECAF), invites everyone to observe a day of meatless meals to show compassion for the environment and animals.

How to take part

Officially register your name in this campaign through the Tzu Chi Foundation website  and go vegetarian on January 11. Help spread the word by informing people you know about the initiative and request them not to prepare any meat-based food items. 

To read more about how your hospital or health system can reduce your carbon footprint through green initiatives such as healthier food choices, visit the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals website's tools and resources section.