HCWH-Asia welcomes its first regional Advisory Council


To better strengthen and synergize the work of Health Care Without Harm in the region, HCWH-Asia recently formed its first Advisory Council during the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals Asia Regional Conference in Seoul. The first regional council to be formed within HCWH, the Council shall provide input and guidance on the direction of the regional office’s work. 

The HCWH-Asia Advisory Council is composed of: Dr. Dong Chun Shin (Advisory Council Chair), Yonsei University Health System / President, Korea Green Hospitals Society (South Korea); Ronnel Lim, Treasurer, Board of Trustees, HCWH-Asia; Dr. Chin-Lon Lin, CEO, Tzu Chi International Medical Association(Taiwan); Mahesh Nakarmi, Executive Director, Health Care Foundation Nepal (Nepal); Ang Zhao, Director,  Rock Energy and Environment Institute (China); Janet Robinson, Research Director, Asia Pacific Region, FHI360; Sr. Arcellita Sarnillo, Saint Paul de Chartes Health Care Ministry - Administrator, St. Paul Hospital Cavite (Philippines); Nilda Silvera, President, National League of Philippine Government Nurses, Inc. (Philippines); Dr. Suherman, President, Health Promoting Hospitals Network of Indonesia (Indonesia); Susan Wilburn, Sustainability Director, Global Green and Healthy Hospitals, Health Care Without Harm; and Josh Karliner, Global Projects Director of Health Care Without Harm.

Through the Asia Advisory Council, HCWH hopes to further build the relationships it has established in the countries it works with across the region.