HCWH-Asia’s Healthy Energy campaigner recognized for bridging environmental sustainability and public health


Dr. Renzo Guinto receives his special citation from Mr. Gregorio Navarro, managing partner and CEO of Deloitte

Dr. Renzo Guinto, campaigner of the Healthy Energy Initiative of Health Care Without Harm (HCWH)-Asia, was bestowed a Special Citation for Sustainability at the inaugural CSR Youth Awards 2015 held last August 31, 2015 at the Club Filipino, San Juan City.

The CSR Youth Award, which is launched this year, is administered by the Benita & Catalino Yap Foundation and the international consulting firm Deloitte. The Award aims to recognize outstanding young people who demonstrated commitment and excellence in any of the three categories of CSR – citizenship, sustainability, and social responsibility.

In the program, Dr. Guinto was described as “a medical doctor who is bridging the fields of environmental sustainability and public health.” For nearly a decade, he has been advocating for environmental health causes, which started when he was a medical student at the University of the Philippines Manila. Today, he continues his advocacy with HCWH-Asia by addressing the issues at the nexus of climate, energy, and health. 

“The award is not really about me – it is a validation of our work in HCWH-Asia,” stated Dr. Guinto. “The recognition further increases our credibility as an environmental health organization, which will enable us to reach out to more people and communities – for healthy people and healthy planet.”


Dr. Renzo Guinto with the national finalists and judges for the CSR Youth Awards 2015