HCWH PARTNER IN ACTION (China) | Energy audit To Tap the Energy-saving Potential of Hospital Air Conditioning Systems



Usually hospital buildings consume 1.6 - 2 times as much energy as ordinary public buildings, and among all energy-using systems in hospitals, air conditioning systems consume the largest proportion of energy and have great energy-saving potential.

In 2019, with the support of the UNDP GEF Small Grants Program, Rock Environment and Energy Institute (REEI) invited a professional team to conduct energy audit for two buildings of Hushan Hospital. The audit team conducted a detailed statistical analysis of the buildings’ energy consumption in recent years, based on the data provided by the hospital's energy consumption monitoring platform, and tested the indoor environment and air conditioning system of the buildings.

Three main recommendations were provided by the audit team:

  1. Adjust the air conditioning system and water system to solve the problem of insufficient airflow in certain rooms and areas;
  2. improve the ventilation system to automatically adjust the fresh air flow according to CO2 concentration to solve the problem of excessive fresh air flow in most areas most of the time; and,
  3. further analyze data of the energy consumption monitoring platform to identify the dynamic characteristics of the air conditioning load in different buildings of the hospital, combining numerical simulation method to develop energy efficiency improvement strategy and guide the air conditioning system energy saving operation.

Click to View the full article in Chinese, in REEI's Weibo Account
