HCWH PARTNER IN ACTION (China) | Green and Healthy, Keywords for Economic Recovery Measures in the Post-pandemic Era


Diagram: Welfare gains - Influenced by health benefits and emission reduction / Global welfare indicator under the Transforming Energy Scenario in 2030 and 20501

Halfway to 2020, the global pandemic COVID-19 that has ravaged the world has yet to be fully and effectively controlled. The pandemic has caused severe impact on the global economy and created uncertainty for the urgent action to address climate change. However, as it spreads, there are also a number of climate change and health professionals analyzing and discussing the relationship between climate change and COVID-19, including their causes, health effects and coping strategies. Recently, several countries launched their green economic recovery plans, and the health sector, which is at the forefront of the fight against COVID-19, has sent a letter to the heads of G20, requesting that economic recovery policies should focus on green development and building resilience in healthcare sector.

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1IRENA, Global Renewables Outlook, Energy Transformation 2050". FYI, the full report by IRENA is here: https://www.irena.org/-/media/Files/IRENA/Agency/Publication/2020/Apr/IRENA_Global_Renewables_Outlook_2020.pdf