INDIA | Healthcare Sector Gives Support to Youth-led Global Climate Action Movement


As you know, the health care sector plays a pivotal role in combating and responding to the escalating climate crisis. Health care can contribute to a green transition by decarbonizing its energy consumption, operations and supply chain, reducing its climate footprint in alignment with the ambition of the Paris Agreement on climate change. Health care is also on the front lines of climate change, as hospitals, health centers and health care providers are first responders to extreme weather events, and must build resilience to stay operational and serve their communities during climate related disasters.

Our goal is to mobilize hospitals, medical professionals, schools and colleges to participate in a Global Climate Action event on Friday, 20th and 27th September 2019 and show solidarity of the healthcare sector with the global issue of Climate change. Here are some pictures from the 20th September Strike.



Following the assistance and communication package provided by HELP Secretariat, many hospitals went on to organize events in their campus and took pledge as individual and as hospitals for a better sustainable climate future.

Some of the HELP members who went on strike 20th September:

  • Bangalore Baptist Hospital, Bangalore
  • Association of Healthcare Providers-India
  • Consortium of Accredited Healthcare Organisations
  • Centre for Chronic Disease Control
  • Association of National Board Accredited Institutions
  • Rainbow Hospitals (12 locations)
  • Yashoda Super Speciality Hospitals, Delhi
  • Narayana Health (24 hospitals)
  • Public Health Foundation of India
  • M.S. Ramaiah Memorial Hospital
  • Bhagat Chandra Hospital, Delhi
  • Quality and Accreditation Institute
  • Retina Institute
  • Lal Path labs
  • Catholic Health Association of India
  • PSG Institute of Medical Sciences and Research



Health and Environment Leadership Platform (HELP) is the Indian chapter of Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH), dedicated to reducing their environmental footprint and promoting public and environmental health.


This article first appeared in HELP Newsletter which can be accessed here