INDIA | National Green Hospital Standard - First Assessor Training


A monograph on “Green Healthcare Institution” was developed in 2017, to serve as a guide for hospitals on how to build and manage health institutions without causing any harm to the environment. This monograph acted as the background literature for building a National Green Hospital Standards (NGHS) that are being developed by the HELP Secretariat along with the guidance from Quality Accreditation Institute (QAI) and National Accreditation Board for Hospitals & Healthcare Providers.

Upon completion of this monograph, a complete National Green Hospital Standard Accreditation was developed with QAI assistance. The developed standard was open for stakeholder consultation from March 2019 to May 2019. Experts from various national and international bodies gave their comments and suggestion in the stakeholder consultation process. The standard was successfully registered under QAI in July 2019 and its first evaluator assessor training was announced. A total of 24 participants attended the first assessor training held on 7th and 8th of September, 2019 at the Public Health Foundation of India campus. The participants were geographically represented from all parts from India with representation from both public and private hospitals.

Upon successful first training, QAI will be evaluating the standard in hospitals in the coming months. Efforts are in place to incorporate national green hospital accreditation standard into NABH standard.###


Health and Environment Leadership Platform (HELP) is the Indian chapter of Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH), dedicated to reducing their environmental footprint and promoting public and environmental health.


This article first appeared in HELP Newsletter which can be accessed here