Indonesia To Host This Year's Green Hospitals Asia Conference

The National Network of Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services of Indonesia (HPH-Indonesia) will play host to this year’s Global Green and Healthy Hospitals Asia Regional Conference, which will be held from 3 to 6 August in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

The conference will coincide with the HPH-Indonesia’s 3rd national conference, which will gather the network’s hundreds of members from different parts of the country. This year’s national conference will focus on sustainability in health care, greening health policies, and how hospitals can mitigate and adapt to climate change. Aside from the HPH’s local participants, GGHH members from across the region are also expected to participate.  


HPH-Indonesia officials with GGHH's Susan Wilburn and Faye Ferrer

GGHH’s Sustainability Director Susan Wilburn and Coordinator Faye Ferrer recently met with officials of HPH-Indonesia as well as the Indonesian Hospital Association, another GGHH member organization, to discuss preparations for the conference and how to further expand the work of GGHH in Indonesia.  

Last year’s GGHH Asia Conference attracted over a hundred representatives from different hospitals and health systems who came up with a declaration urging governments to act on climate change, a few weeks leading to the COP21 negotiations in Paris. 

Aside from HPH-Indonesia, this year’s conference partners also includes the World Health Organization, Sardjito Hospital of Yogyakarta, and Universities Gajah Mada. 

This April 23, a webinar in Bahasa Indonesia will be organized by both GGHH and HPH-Indonesia to promote GGHH among Indonesian hospitals and health organizations.  

More details about the conference will be released in the coming weeks.  For inquiries, email Faye Ferrer at