Introducing Climate Impact Checkup, a GHG emissions calculator for the Healthcare Sector


Climate Impact Checkup - Health care’s GHG emissions calculator

This is your starting point.

Reducing your health care facility or system’s climate impact requires understanding where your greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions originate and setting your starting point.

Climate Impact Checkup is a calculator that helps health care institutions anywhere in the world measure their GHG footprint. It provides a starting point to measure, manage, and support mitigation goals and action planning no matter where your facility is located. Available both online and in a downloadable spreadsheet, Checkup also facilitates integrating these actions with other environmental strategies such as sustainable procurement.

Climate Impact Checkup calculates facility emissions originating from: You are committed to reducing emissions and implementing climate-smart health care. Your next step is likely to be developing a climate mitigation strategy. To do that, you’ll need to understand the starting point or baseline of your GHG emissions. This baseline is vital to identifying priorities, developing plans, and implementing emissions reduction in facilities, operations, and procurement procedures.

Climate Impact Checkup estimates GHG emissions from health care institutions by allowing you to input facility-level data primarily from energy consumption, transport, waste management, and gases relevant to the sector, and then calculating your footprint based on national or local emissions factors. It enables health systems and facilities to benchmark their footprint against similar facilities in their country, region, and globally. Checkup also gives you access to a peer network, where members can share experiences and advice through discussion forums and a global community of practice.

For more info you may send an inquiry to:

Checkup users may include:

  • health care facilities, both public and private, of any level of complexity and in any location, 
  • sub-national (city, state or provincial) health care systems, 
  • private and charitable health care systems, 
  • national ministries of health (to measure their facilities’ footprint), and
  • research institutions, such as universities.


  • See graphics, create benchmarking reports, and print results
  • Compare metrics with other institutions in the same region, or worldwide
  • Available as a downloadable spreadsheet for offline calculations

Climate Impact Checkup is exclusively for members of Global Green and Healthy Hospitals and, in the United States, Practice Greenhealth. Not yet a member? Now is a great time to join this network and access Checkup along with a suite of other resources to support your efforts toward sustainable, climate-smart health care.

Join us. Together we can create better health for people and the planet

Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Pacific, Latin America, U.S. and Canada