LOOK BACK | 2019 Was About the Planet, and the People


Dearest Partner,

We would like to take this opportunity to express to you our heartfelt appreciation for being an ally in this movement to protect our people, especially the next generation, and our planet from the adverse impacts of the climate crisis.

Because of your inputs, support, and active engagement, more and more individuals, hospitals, and organizations in the region, understand the link between the changing climate and the people's health, and why now's the time to act.

As we reflect on this year's victories and challenges, we are glad to have you by our side.

Thank you very much!


For the people and the planet,
Health Care Without Harm Southeast Asia







The fight to bring about a healthier, and more sustainable planet for the people through the leadership of the healthcare sector is not yet over. It must be intensified, it must cross borders, and ought to be communicated far and wide.

We look forward in seeing you next year and the following years, until victory.

Again, thank you very much for the partnership!

