Mercury-Free Health Care 2020 Launched

With the signing of the Minamata Convention on Mercury in 2013, the World Health Organization-Health Care Without Harm Global Initiative has set its sights on achieving "Mercury-Fee Health Care 2020."

"Mercury-Fee Health Care 2020" solidifies the WHO-HCWH Global Initiative's commitment to ending the manufacture, import and export of mercury-containing fever thermometers and sphygmomanometers. It also supports the deployment of accurate, affordable, and safer non-mercury alternatives. These actions are in-line with the Minimata Convention's drive to phase out mercury in health care by the year 2020.

To achieve these goals, the WHO-HCWH Global Initiative plans to carry out the following activities:

1. Educate, advise and provide guidance to governments, international aid agencies, and private and public health systems to enable them to implement the mandate in Article Four of the Minamata Convention, which aims to end the manufacture, import and export of mercury thermometers and blood pressure measuring devices.

2. Provide technical documentation and expertise to facilitate the phase-out of mercury at the policy and operational levels.

3. Continue to expand awareness and mobilize health care sectors in all countries to shift demand toward alternative devices while educating communities about the health impacts of mercury.