Model Hospitals

Model Hospitals


Philippine hospitals declare: “Incineration harms, burn not!”

Burn Not launched in 2011 was a campaign that gathered celebrities, prominent personalities, and concerned hospitals against the proposed amendments to the Philippine Clean Air Act.  In 2004, the complete banning of medical waste incineration was mandated by the Clean Air Act. The proposed amendments to the legislation would pave the way for the return of medical incineration.

Amidst this public outcry, HCWH-Asia released a three-part public service announcement detailing the hazards of incineration. Burn Not cautioned the national government to stop the polluting process and also encouraged local government to shun waste-to-energy or “incinerators-in-disguise” contracts recently signed by different LGUs, particularly in the southern parts of the Philippines.

The public announcement featured 20 personalities from the realms of entertainment, politics, and civil society organizations. Hospital also unfurled a black banner expressing their strongest opposition to the planned return of incineration in the country.

The movement encouraged a shift in public opinion away from incineration. Aided by the voices of celebrities, experts, and medical professionals, Burn Not articulated the alarm and urgency towards the issue.