PLASTICS TOOLKIT FOR HOSPITALS | Mobilizing Healthcare to Prevent Plastic Pollution

Launched last June 4, 2019 just before the World Environment Day to reflect on the damage plastics pollution has brought upon the people's health and the planet's. This toolkit (made possible by GGHH hospitals, partners and academicians), is ultimately developed to help health facilities and the health care sector confront the plastic pollution, change the narrative, introduce solutions and alternatives and work together for a healthier, more sustainable planet for the next generation.



Elimination of Single-use Plastics in Healthcare is an initiative by Health Care Without Harm
South East Asia that mobilizes the network of Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH). Its intention is the reduction of single use plastic in hospital settings; upstream policy advocacy, engagement with suppliers to reduce plastic packaging in medical products, and replacement of hazardous plastic with safer alternatives. The other important component of healthcare intervention in plastic crisis is to articulate clearly the health impact of plastic from a life cycle perspective understanding various pathways by which human health is impacted by production, utilization and disposal of plastic.

This Toolkit is all about fighting plastic pollution in the healthcare setting. It reiterates the recommendations made in the earlier technical report, Plastics in Healthcare, Health Professionals as Advocates to Reduce Plastic Pollution. This document will aid in understanding and translating it into increased healthcare actions to reduce the harm caused by excessive plastic use in their facilities and strengthen healthcare professionals as advocates for national, regional and global action. The toolkit will become the main material to teach hospitals how to address plastic pollution in their facilities.

As a toolkit, it contains the following major elements: Information on life cycle hazards of different polymers, long term vision and short-term recommendations for action, how-to guide on the conduct of simplified plastics audit, guidance on how to reduce plastics within healthcare, outline of advocacy options within and beyond the healthcare sector, and compilation of available case studies on plastics from GGHH Network members both in Southeast Asia and beyond. The sets of practical tools found here are meant to be applied on two key areas for hospitals to effectively deal with plastics pollution: first is how to conduct waste audits in healthcare facilities; and second is advocacy and engagement at two levels: policy inside the hospital, and policies that need promotion with the local or national governments. It also has a section on practical guidance and advice on how to deal with suppliers and manufacturers.

Imagine hospitals confronting plastic pollution and working together for a healthier, more sustainable planet for the next generation.

To make use of this Plastics Toolkit, please click the links below:

Plastics Assessment Tool: DOWNLOAD

This Toolkit was made possible by: PLASTIC SOLUTIONS FUND

Hospital Partners and Networks: Alabang Medical Clinic, Mary Johnston Hospital, St. Paul Hospital Cavite, Universitas Gadjah Mada University Hospital, City Environment and Natural Resources Office, San Fernando Pampanga, University of the Philippines - College of Public Health, University of the Philippines - Philippine General Hospital, and the Regional General Hospital (RSUD) R. Syamsudin, S. H.

This initiative is part of the #BREAKFREEFROMPLASTIC Movement


To know more about this initiative or how you can participate, send an email to