SAVING LIVES ONE VIDEO AT A TIME | A virtual video-documentation training for SHiPP Partner Hospitals in Indonesia and the Philippines


In order to inspire other hospitals to pursue green, sustainable and healthy procurement systems, leadership is essential at all levels. Aside from crafting policies and implementing them effectively, leadership can also be achieved in a more creative form, like mounting information campaigns online and offline, conducting advocacy events, as well as using art for social change whether it’s a photo, a painting or an illustration or even a video.

Presently, while we battle the COVID-19 pandemic, face-to-face events including story gathering has been impossible. As we look for ways to bridge the gap in order to amplify stories and best practices from the ground, video as a format of communication has proved to be effective in fostering solidarity and knowledge-sharing among health professionals and other sectors across the world. It has reinforced how employees in hospitals, clinics, medical schools, and other offices in the healthcare industry teach, train, and share information.


Doctors, nurses, medical directors and sustainability officers have one of the most trusted voices not only in the hospital but in society. In our campaign for sustainable procurement in healthcare, they are therefore in an influential position to transform policies and behaviors, and this time, through video documentation and promotion of best practices.


The training was conducted by Neil Ambion, a filmmaker and photographer from the Philippines, with 24 health professionals representing at least 10 hospitals from Indonesia and the Philippines participating.



Training Objectives:

Strengthen the communications capacity of our SHiPP Partners in the Philippines and Indonesia in promoting their sustainable procurement best practices through basic video-documentation and promotion training. The participants will learn the following throughout the 1-day session:

  • Identifying and Gathering Stories
  • Crafting the message
  • Video Documentation Skills using professional and/or mobile camera
  • Video Promotion through social media

In one week's time, our participants will apply their learnings from this training and submit a 1-minute video showcasing their hospital's Sustainable Procurement initiative. Make sure to watch out for that.


For more info on how to join these communication trainings or to know more about our Sustainable Health in Procurement Project, send an email to