Search is over for ECO-trends in dialysis service

Manila — The Philippine Society of Nephrology in partnership with HCWH-Asia recently held a nationwide contest among dialysis centers in the country. Dubbed as ECO-TRENDS or ECO-Towards Responsible Environment Friendly Dialysis Services, PSN and HCWH-Asia went around the country to tap dialysis centers with ecologically-sound alternatives to current health care practices that could pollute the environment and contribute to disease.

The criteria for judging include adherence to standard eco-friendly practices such as proper waste management, water, and energy conservation, upkeep of adequate and conducive structural facilities; improvements on current standard practices with adequate documentation of implementation and result; and introduction and implementation of original or innovative, sound eco-friendly concepts and measures.

First place went to Mindanao Dialysis Center, Southern Philippines Medical Center in Davao City, followed by Makati Medical Center Renal Care Unit in Metro Manila and then Hemodialysis Unit at Pablo O. Torre Memorial Center in Bacolod City.

“These hospitals’ dialysis centers are very promising. They are doing good work in taking care of their patients and in taking care of the environment. They are improving their waste management practices and are also into energy efficiency work,” said Merci Ferrer, HCWH-Asia Director. “Although on its initial stages yet, we hope to continue sharing these practices and learning from experiences of other hospitals thru the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH) network.”