Tips for Minimizing Waste

Tips for minimizing waste


Reuse that refuse: Recycle!

You’ve probably heard that too many times. But there’s a reason for its prevalence: it’s effective. 

As much as 80% of the waste produced by healthcare centers isn’t outright hazardous. As long as the rubbish isn’t mixed with dangerous or contaminated waste, much of it can be reused or recycled. By recycling, we reduce the need for specialized disposable and treatment. And recycling plastics, papers, and bottles can even produce income.   

You need to smoothen the process by implementing a rigorous segregation program. Sorting healthcare waste after it’s been mixed is extremely hazardous and not worth the dangers. 

HCWH-AP has been collaborating with hospitals around the Philippines, and found it was possible to reuse or recycle even less-common items such as printer cartridges and old cans. Food waste was either composted for use in the hospital grounds, or sold for animal feed. 

These hospitals formed a dedicated Health Care Waste Management Committee responsible for developing a waste management plan for the institution. The plans included setting policies and guidelines for waste management, training, education, and monitoring. The committee schedules a monthly meeting to assess problems related to processes, and to find new ways to safely recycle and reuse products.

Some hospitals found ways to utilize the money earned from their new recycling venture. In one case, the hospital even earned enough to pay the salary of its waste manager, making the whole system self-sustaining. 

Read more in the Philippines Best Practices report.


Injecting change

Another way for hospitals to reduce waste is to prevent unnecessary injections. Many patients have an unfounded belief that intravenous drugs are more effective than those administered orally. This is false, of course, and oral drugs should be given as often as possible, especially since used syringes may spread HIV and hepatitis. 

The procurement department can look into the amount of toxic waste a product produces before making that purchase. Take, for example, products containing PVC, mercury, silver, BPA, or other toxic materials. Stuff like this should be avoided whenever possible. 

Reusable items should also be given priority over disposables. Dining utensils and some medical tools can be sterilized and safely reused. The amount of packaging used should also be considered. If two products have the same level of quality, pick the one with less packaging, or at least one that’s easy to recycle. Hospitals can find that sweet balance between paying for the processing of waste, and generating income through recycling.    

We’re calling on healthcare facilities to develop procurement policies that keep waste minimization in mind. Low-toxicity, low-waste products should also be tested to determine their reliability. The input of a waste management committee should be considered when amending any purchasing policies.