Two Philippine hospitals take on chemical substitution

Manila — The Chemical Substitution and Management project of Health Care Without Harm – Southeast Asia received approval of two Philippine hospitals. Romblon Provincial Hospital and Saint Paul Hospital Tuguegarao both agreed to become pilot hospitals after HCWH-SEA team presented and discussed with them the project. The two hospitals welcomed the partnership with HCWH-SEA and its efforts in transforming the health care sector as a safe place for people and the environment through its latest campaign on identifying hazardous chemicals in hospitals and switching to safer alternatives.

Romblon Provincial Hospital (RPH)

On July 21, 2012 Romblon Governor Eduardo Firmalo said, “yes to chemicals substitution in RPH and it is in right timing because the hospital is undergoing expansion of health care services”.

In a separate meeting on July 24, 2012, RPH personnel Dr. Kurt Tan, Consultant; Ms. Alice Faulan, Administrative Officer V; Ms. Delia Dato, Chief Nurse; and Ms. Dolly Recongco, Infection Control Nurse collectively expressed interest about the project. Ms. Faulan added, “we are challenged with the chemicals work and at the same time hopeful that good projects like these will continue beyond the term of office of the Governor”.

RPH is a secondary level hospital run by the local government of Romblon with 75 bed capacity, located in Odiongan, Romblon which is an island province in South Luzon.

Saint Paul Hospital (SPH) Tuguegarao

On July 30, 2012, HWCH-SEA met with Sr. Melanie Guzman SPC, who is the Officer-In-Charge and Department Head of OR, DR, NICU, Eye Center and Dialysis of SPH Tuguegarao. Also present were 25 staff from medical surgical areas, pharmacy, central supply, canteen, and business offices. Having key personnel like nurses and housekeeping staff in attendance, initial concerns and questions on certain chemicals were forwarded.

In the end, Sr. Melanie recognized this as a good sign and in accepting the project she said, “thank you HCWH-SEA for the unfailing partnership and rest assured of our support to the project, for the welfare of the environment and people we serve, together we can do it!”

SPH Tuguegarao is one of the 13 health care ministries under the Saint Paul Chartres – Philippines. SPH Tuguegarao is a tertiary level hospital with 120 bed capacity located in Tuguegarao City, capital of Cagayan which is a peninsula in North Luzon.

The two pilot hospitals are not in any way to compete on project implementation. However, it will be interesting to note how geographical location, management support, and extent of health services will play as factors in placing chemical substitution and management in their facilities. HCWH-SEA would also like to identify parallelisms, problems encountered and lessons learned of both pilots by taking on the project.