- Quezon City, Metro Manila

The Philippine Heart Center – Waste Management Committee initiated the move to shift to mercury alternatives.  The committee conducted a seminar on the hazardous effects of mercury based on a series of accidental mercury spills reported from private schools.  They also joined the seminar conducted by Health Care Without Harm on mercury phase-out.

Although initially faced with issues like patients’ response to mercury alternatives, accuracy, affordability, and disposal of mercury devices, patient safety became the driving force for the hospital to shun mercury devices.

Other environmental health initiatives of the hospital include waste segregation, recycling and composting, non-use of PVC, veering away from harmful chemicals and moving towards safer alternatives, healthy food, green building and the reactivation of sewage treatment plant.

In a few years, PHC envisions to be the leader in upholding the highest standards of cardiovascular care, a self-reliant institution responsive to the health needs of the Filipino people and an advocate for safe hospital environment and green building.

In a Skoll Foundation documentary on Health Care Without Harm title Uncommon Heroes, PHC was interviewed to share their story of mercury phase-out.  Skoll’s private company, Participant Media, produced the climate film, An Inconvenient Truth.