Project benefits and results

Project benefits and results


Social benefits:  Benefits of a redefined approach to chemicals use and management in healthcare are likely to be very broad and preventive in nature.  It is difficult to quantify financial benefits but it is very clear that social benefits would be significant and may include: 


  • Less exposure to hazardous chemicals in hospitals and factories that manufacture these substances. Less exposure means less health impact, less healthcare costs, and less liability and worker compensation. 
  • Fewer public health threats and diseases, lowered exposures in communities that host manufacturing and disposal facilities, thus reducing healthcare costs and building better community relations. 
  • Reduced cost of cleaning up accidents involving chemicals used for 
  • healthcare. 
  • Reduced product liability and the legal costs associated with it.
  • Reduced need for regulatory requirements and the costs associated with them.
  • Reduced impact on wildlife and the environment.