BUILD BACK HEALTHIER | A compendium of Zero Waste & Sustainable Best Practices from around Southeast Asia for a healthier Pandemic Recovery


The COVID-19 pandemic has rapidly become the world’s biggest problem faced today. Since 2020, many countries in Southeast Asia have experienced the multi-faceted impact of the pandemic, revealing our world’s problems in health and the environment.

#BuildBackHealthier: Prescriptions for Sustainable and Equitable Recovery is a campaign of Health Care Without Harm (HCWH) - Southeast Asia through the support of the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA) - Asia Pacific that aims to influence policymakers and leaders in Southeast Asia to integrate sustainability and climate-resilience goals in their COVID-19 recovery action plans.

The campaign has brought together hospitals and organizations advocating for public and planetary health to discuss and present case studies of best practices in sustainability and climate-resilience from the Philippines, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

The #BuildBackHealthier Compendium of Best Practices presents actions & initiatives on zero waste systems in communities, reduction of non-essential single-use plastics in health facilities, organic waste reduction, water conservation, and other initiatives that prioritizes the public and planetary health in the midst of the pandemic. The following institutions and organizations have submitted their case studies to support the campaign for a healthier recovery:

  • GreenHub (Vietnam)
  • Mother Earth Foundation (Philippines)
  • St. Paul’s Hospital Iloilo (Philippines)
  • Immanuel Hospital (Indonesia)
  • Yaksa Pelestari Bumi Berkelanjutan (YPBB) (Indonesia)

The onslaught of the COVID-19 pandemic requires us to rethink and recalibrate how we approach public and planetary health. There is no going back to our environmentally destructive ways. As we recover from the pandemic, let’s build a healthier world for our people and the environment.###

CLICK TO VIEW THE #BuildBackHealthier Compendium of Best Practices