SAICM Training Module on Chemical Substitution, Safety and Management Published

In an effort to further shift attitudes away from the use of hazardous chemicals in the health care sector, Health Care Without Harm's regional offices in Asia and Latin America started the Chemicals Substitution and Management in the Health Care Sector: A Four-Hospital, Multi-Country Project in the Philippines and Argentina.

Initiated in 2012, the activity was conducted, in part, with support from the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management’s (SAICM) Quick Start Program. A training course on “Chemical Susbtitution, Safety and Management for Health Care Workers” were drafted.

The initial training course was attended by 70 hospital personnel from 26 private and public hospitals from the National Capital Region of the Philippines.

Copies of the training module are available for free download. Please acknowledge HCWH Asia when used, or send the office a copy. For more info, email