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  • REGISTRATION | 5th Green Hospitals Asian Conference

    VIEW PROGRAM HEREHealth Care Without Harm in Asia’s mission is to transform healthcare in the region as a green and resilient sector so as to protect public health from climate change, one that leverages health care leadership and purchasing power so as to drive policies and markets towards sustainability. The 5th Green Hospitals Asian Conference led by the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH) Network in the region, plays an instrumental role in bringing such a mission to reality. The main objective of the conference is to set the 5-year roadmap that will pave the way for Asian healthcare as major stakeholder engaged in climate actions and policies in-country and in the region.  Such will feature the following key elements: climate adaptation and resilience, mitigation and leadership within the Asian healthcare realities.Specific Objectives...
  • Donate Now

      Together, we can stop air pollution that causes several health disorders by using energy from clean and health-friendly sources. In the Philippines, coal power plants have contributed to the deteriorating respiratory systems of many locals who live nearby. Most people suffer from various diseases due to toxic chemicals released through the smoke and water wastes from the power plants.These communities will benefit 85 percent of your donation through our help in establishing their viable statement against the effects of coal. Through educational campaigns, we raise their awareness to stand against the establishment or call for stoppage of coal power plants in their areas. We will facilitate gathering of data to strengthen their position, as well as amplify the issue to gain the support from policy makers and renewable energy advocates.The remaining 15 percent of your donation will be used for HCWH Asia’s overhead costs such as...
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     Let us help hospitals operate conscientiously by minimizing their carbon footprints that cause global warming. Amid saving lives, hospitals contribute to the worsening effects of climate change, from the technology they utilize to the products consumed.Adapting to environment-friendly practices remains a challenge for hospitals, especially in the Philippines. Due to limited resources, healthcare providers make use of what is readily available and affordable. Many government hospitals maintain their old systems to operate within the budget.With your donation, Health Care Without Harm Asia will be able to mobilize healthcare sectors to lead the fight against climate change. Educating the people working in the hospitals to reduce their carbon footprints will comprise 85 percent of your donation. They will learn about the impacts of climate change to our health, and how to make conscious decisions in using energy and purchasing equipment and goods.HCWH Asia will use the remaining...
  • Make a donation

    We need your support to transform the health care sector into a healing place for the people, the environment, and the planet. By making a donation, you and HCWH-Asia will be working together towards a health care system that does not compromise the safety of patients and the health care workers. Your donation will support campaigns that promote ecologically-sustainable health systems. In other words: a health system that is true to its vision of healing Donate to Healthy Energy Initiative CampaignDonate to Health Medical Waste CampaignDonate to Global Green and Healthy Hospitals Campaign
  • Climate Change and Health

    Southeast Asian countries are highly vulnerable to climate-related hazards such as droughts, cyclones, sea level rise, floods and landslides, according to a published report1 by the International Development Research Center (IDRC)1. In addition, six (6) countries from Asia namely Myanmar, Philippines, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Vietnam and Thailand are among the most vulnerable nations in the world according to the Top 10 Global Climate Risk Index2.Credits to Climate Change Vulnerability Mapping for Southeast Asia by Arief Anshory Yusuf & Herminia A. FranciscoClimate-related disasters pose a huge threat to the continuity of service of hospitals; if they are not prepared in terms of infrastructure, operations and procurement, it can translate to service interference at a time when they are highly needed. Thus, becoming climate-smart is a necessity for hospitals and other...
  • IN PHOTOS | 5th Green Hospitals Asian Conference

    5th Green Hospitals Asian Conference at the Khoo Teck Puat Hospital, SingaporeOctober 8 - 10, 2019
  • VIDEO | Southeast Asia calls for Climate-resilient Healthcare Systems; featuring all-women healthcare champions

    Featuring women doctors, nurses, and health workers as healthcare climate action champions, Southeast Asia amplifies the call for the sector's collective engagement to decarbonize the health facilities, advance climate action in the region, and prevent future pandemics.Share this video onlinePart of this initiative is to get an overview of the healthcare climate action interest in the region, if you are inclined to participate or learn more about this movement, please answer this short survey:Become a Healthcare Climate Action Champion!This video was made possible by the participation of Global Green and Healthy Hospital (GGHH) Members in Bhutan, Malaysia, Indonesia, and HCWH Partner in Australia, Griffith University.
  • BECOME A GGHH MEMBER TODAY | Movement towards healthcare climate resilience and sustainability

    Imagine hospitals, health practitioners, health systems, and health organizations from around the world working together for a healthier, more sustainable planet for the people.The Global Green and Healthy Hospitals (GGHH) community has over 1,350 members in 72 countries who represent the interests of more than 43,000 hospitals and health centers.Our members are using innovation, ingenuity, and investment to transform the health sector and foster a healthy future for people and the planet.BECOME A MEMBER TODAY - CLICK TO SIGN UPGlobal Green and Health Hospitals (GGHH) Network has its foundation in a comprehensive framework of 10 interconnected sustainability goals for the health sector to address and promote greater sustainability and environmental health.LeadershipChemicalsWasteEnergyWaterFoodPharmaceuticalsBuildingsPurchasingTransportationGGHH is a global program of Health Care Without HarmFor more info on how to become a member, you may send an email to
  • Asia Regional Home Page

    HCWH Southeast Asia is championing people's right to health and a healthy environment, leading healthcare sector transformation in the region towards climate resilience, decarbonization, and sustainability.
  • Statement of Commitment – Breathing for a Brighter Tomorrow: Health and Climate Advocates Unite for Clean Air in the Philippines

    On the International Day of Clean Air for blue skies in September 2023, healthcare professionals and climate advocates in the Philippines have come together to address the urgent issue of air pollution by signing a Statement of Commitment. This statement acknowledges the devastating impact of air pollution on the health of Filipinos. The group commits to raising awareness, conducting research, and advocating for policies to combat air pollution. They call upon the government to update air quality standards, enforce regulations, improve air quality monitoring, mandate health assessments for development projects, and transition to clean energy sources. Their goal is to make clean air a fundamental right for all Filipinos. They invite everyone to join them in this crucial movement by signing up and showing their support for this Statement of Commitment.
  • RISE South East Asia Alliance for Health and Climate

    The health sector has a unique opportunity to combat climate change because it is well positioned to understand the health impacts of climate change and take action to protect public health. Today, the voices of health workers become even more critical in promoting actions that address climate change and its impacts on health. Health professionals are both trusted communicators and important actors in the mitigation of this climate catastrophe. With a mandate to protect people's health and prioritize patient safety, dignity, and comfort, health professionals are duty-bound to speak out about the serious global health risks posed by climate change.This is precisely why RISE Southeast Asia Alliance for Health and Climate (RISE) was launched...
  • Mercury Under Siege

    9 more mercury-containing products banned in the Philippines, mercury ban in health care sought…