

Faye Ferrer

Faye coordinates the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals campaign in the region. 

For seven years, she led the Safer Chemicals Campaign in Asia. She also led the first Southeast Asian Mercury-Free Health Care Conference held in the Philippines in 2006. She was responsible for the documentation of the 2004 Philippine Measles Elimination Campaign. The documentation proved that a nationwide vaccination program is possible without resorting to incineration of immunization waste. 

Over the years, Faye has built a portfolio of services with other non-government organizations such as the Citizen's Alliance for Consumer Protection, the Legal Rights and Natural Resources Center-Kasama sa Kalikasan, Greenpeace Southeast Asia, and the Clean Energy Tour of Southeast Asia. 

Josh Karliner

Joshua Karliner is Director of Global Projects and International Team Coordinator for Health Care Without Harm.   In this capacity he works to support the development of HCWH’s work in Asia, Africa and Latin America, while also overseeing the organization’s global campaign on climate change, the development of the Global Green and Healthy Hospitals Network and HCWH’s collaboration with WHO to eliminate mercury in health care.  He has over 25 years of experience working on international environmental and human rights issues.  He is author of two books and a wide variety of academic and popular publications on global environmental politics. 

Dr. Peter Orris

Dr. Orris, Professor and Chief of Occupational and Environmental Medicine at the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System, has 4 decades of practice experience in Occupational and Environmental Medicine in the Chicago area. Dr. Orris has served as advisor to the World Health Organization as Federal, State and Local Governments, environmental organizations, labor unions and corporations. He has edited and authored numerous articles, book chapters and governmental reports in the field of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, environmental toxicology and epidemiology.  Dr. Orris maintains an active clinical and teaching practice seeing patients with health concerns related to environmental exposures in the workplace and community, for Independent Medical Evaluations, and as a Medical Review Officer.

Dr. Dong Chun Shin

Dr. Shin is the Director of the Institute for Environmental Research of Yonsei University College of Medicine and President of the Korea Society for Green Hospitals. He is also part of the Ministry of Environment's Environmental Health Committee and the World Medical Association. He was conferred Korea's Presidential Citation for Environmental Achievement in 2004 and The Order of National Service Merit in 2006.