- Baguio City, Benguet

Given the ill-effects of mercury as presented by AO 21 and the seminar conducted by Health Care Without Harm, the administration of the ST. Louis University Hospital of the Sacred Heart without delay gave the go-signal to replace all mercury-containing devices.

Fully aware that SLU President J. Hechanova is for a Clean-Green-Healthy Environment, AO 21 was welcomed by SLU-HSH.  Right away, arrangements were made by the SLU officials to extend the mercury phase-out to the university especially those that involved mercury in laboratory classes.

A major issue for the hospital is the disposal of mercurial devices.  But in compliance with AO 21, the hospital provided a special storage area following all the necessary precautionary measures.

Concern for the environment remains the guiding principle for the shift to mercury-free devices.  “As a health care provider, it is our responsibility to take care of our environment which will ultimately redound to the best interest of all.”

The hospital is also involved in waste segregation, recycling and composting, veering away from harmful chemicals and use of safer alternatives, healthy food, declaring “smoke-free zone”, and non-use of styrofoam in all canteens operating in the University including the hospital.

In five years time, or even ealrlier, the hospital aims to be fully environmental health friendly.