Waste disposal (Incineration, trash dumps)

Waste disposal (Incineration, trash dumps)


Chemicals of concern:


Brominated and chlorinated organic toxicants including:

  • Dioxin
  • Mercury
  • Heavy metals


Affected individuals: Waste disposal workers, members of the community.


Harmful effects: 


  • Dioxins are a known human carcinogen, and can cause birth defects, learning disabilities, endometriosis, infertility, suppressed immune function, reduced IQ and hyperactive behavior in children. It bioaccumulates in people and wildlife.
  • Incinerator emissions can include carcinogenic, mutagenic and reproductive toxicants, asthmagens and respiratory irritants


Alternatives: There are readily available and widely used alternatives to incineration throughout the world. Some chemotherapeutic waste may be an exception.